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Call us today - 01224 588 020

Employment Lawyers in Aberdeen & North-East Scotland

Navigating workplace challenges

What we do

We have years of experience in providing advice to clients from a range of sectors and to businesses of all sizes. in particular, he has worked with companies in the Oil & Gas sector, in construction, building and manufacturing. 

Employment Law Services

  • Executive Dismissals & Negotiated Departures

    Ross has acted for a wide range of senior executives in both the private and public sectors who have either been dismissed or who have required to negotiate the terms of their departure.

    This is a highly sensitive area with very significant sums of money and reputational issues at stake.

    We advise on matters such as:-
    ● Tax efficient payment structures● Share option schemes● Bonus payments and LTIPs● Directors' duties● Carry/co-invest schemes● Restrictive covenants● Internal and external departure statements and references● Executive outplacement coaching● FCA regulatory issues● Confidentiality● Shareholding issues
    He also provides advice to individual employees on all aspects of employment law.

  • Settlement Agreements

    You may be asked to sign a settlement agreement if you have a dispute with your employer, if your employment is terminating or if you are being paid an enhanced redundancy payment. Ross Taggart has a large amount of experience of negotiating and advising on settlement agreements (formerly compromise agreements) which means that he will ensure that you get the best deal possible. You are required to take legal advice for the settlement agreement to be valid and to ensure that you have a full understanding of the terms and consequences of the agreement. This means that if you are asked to sign a settlement agreement it is very often the case that your employer will pay your legal fees.

  • Discrimination Advice

    Under the Equality Act 2010 employers cannot discriminate, harass or victimise on the basis of the protected characteristics. Under the Act, protected characteristics are based on:
    ● sex● race disability● sexual orientation● gender reassignment● marriage and civil partnership● pregnancy and maternity● religion or belief● age
    Ross Taggart has dealt with a number of discrimination claims but he will never lose sight of the impact that discriminatory treatment has on you as an individual. Our firm can offer much needed support and advice to assist you in resolving the situation. Ross was recently involved in major discrimination litigation over equal pay on an offshore installation.

  • Types of Discrimination

    A brief overview of the main types of discrimination in terms of the Equality Act 2010 are given below.
    ● Direct Discrimination
    This is where discrimination occurs where "because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others".
     Indirect Discrimination
    This is where acts, decisions or policies are made which are not intended to treat anyone less favourably, but which in practice have the effect of disadvantaging a group of people with a particular protected characteristic. Where such an action disadvantages an individual with that characteristic, it will amount to indirect discrimination unless it can be shown that the actions were a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
    The law also prohibits an employer from harassing an employee or prospective employee on the grounds of a protected characteristic. Similar protection exists for individuals in respect of being victimised because they have enforced or attempted to enforce their rights under the Equality Act.
    If you believe your employer has discriminated against you contact our expert discrimination lawyer to discuss your situation. You can arrange to meet Ross in our office or, alternatively, we can provide advice over the telephone

  • Redundancy Advice

    Being told you are at risk of redundancy or being made redundant can be extremely upsetting. Our specialist employment lawyer can provide you with expert redundancy advice and support at this difficult time so that you have a full understanding of your redundancy situation. This ensures that you are in the best possible position to challenge your redundancy or, alternatively, to maximise your redundancy package. Ross will discuss your case and leave you with a full understanding of the options open to you.

  • Unfair Dismissal

    Unfair dismissal is the termination of an employee's employment without fair reason or where the employer failed to follow the correct dismissal procedures.
    We can help ensure that you make the best out of a difficult situation. At present there are currently five situations where a dismissal will potentially be fair.
    These are where the dismissal is for:-
    ● capability● conduct● redundancy● contravention of a statutory enactment● some other reason which justifies dismissal of an employee from that particular position
    If you have not been dismissed but your employer is in material breach of your contract of employment then you may be able to resign and claim constructive dismissal.
    As an employee if you believe that your dismissal is unfair then Ross can help you. He will provide unfair dismissal advice and his negotiation skills to resolve matters on the best possible terms. If it is necessary to proceed to an Employment Tribunal we will use our presentation and advocacy skills to argue your unfair dismissal case.